Do you like pancakes? Do you love going back for seconds when your favorite foods are being served? Then you’re gonna love this: Dutch Baby Pancake.

This month for my Peoria Magazine feature, I’m sharing my incredible Blueberry Dutch Baby Pancake recipe. For those of you who haven’t had one of these over-the-top pancakes before, let me tell you all about ‘em. 

Blueberry Dutch Baby Pancake in Cast-iron

What is a Dutch Baby?

A Dutch Baby is basically a giant pancake. That’s the simple explanation. But it’s not exactly a pancake, either. The base ingredients for a Dutch Baby are flour, sugar, eggs, and milk. They can be made savory or sweet and served any time of the day, but they should be served right out of the oven.

How is a Dutch Baby different from pancakes?

You bake these bad boys in a cast iron skillet—they’re not pan fried like your run-of-the-mill American pancakes. Also unlike pancakes, Dutch Babies don’t contain any leaveners. It’s puffy when it comes out of the oven, and after it deflates you can dress it up with your favorite toppings.

Dutch Babies also go by many other names: Bismarck, Dutch puff, German pancake, hootenanny, hooligan… it’s kind of like a gigantic popover or even a Yorkshire pudding. But don’t be fooled—this recipe isn’t Dutch! (We think it originated on the West Coast in the early 20th century.)

Get the Full Blueberry Dutch Baby Recipe in the July Issue of Peoria Magazine

Learn more about Dutch Babies—including how to make your own—in this month’s issue of Peoria Magazine! You can read the article online, or read the whole magazine if you like, which I highly recommend! And maybe you can pick up some blueberries at the Peoria Farmers Market while you’re at it…

Look for me from now on in Peoria Magazine!

I’ve said it before, but it’s worth saying again: I love how much Peoria cares about the community. And I love feeding my people, so I’m delighted to announce that you can get a new, exclusive Mary DiSomma recipe in every forthcoming issue. Well, I might just have to make some cookies to celebrate!

You read the whole magazine, including my article below.

October 01, 2023 — Mary DiSomma